How to Stop Fine hair From Getting Greasy

As someone who has fine, thin, hair, grease is my nemesis when it comes to keeping my hair fresh looking. But it always seemed impossible to stop fine hair from getting greasy. Sometimes it felt like even 12 hours after washing it felt limp, lifeless, and greasy.

Over the years I’ve taken the time to learn a lot about hair, supposed “hair training” and ways I can cut back how much I have to wash/style my hair. I’ve come up with 5 reasons why my hair used to get greasy fast in hopes it might help someone else out there!

How to Stop Fine Hair From Getting Greasy

5 Tips To Make Fine hair Go Longer Between Shampoos

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Once I started treating my hair like I treat my face, I very quickly started to reap the rewards of a good routine! Who would have thought it would have taken until my 39th year around the sun to learn the correct way to shampoo!?

There’s a reason your stylist pushes salon-quality shampoo, and that really is because they are formulated to be more concentrated, with better ingredients. These formulas are made to make your hair look amazing… just like when you come home from a salon visit.

Oppositely, often drugstore counterparts are created with fillers that leave residue on your hair which means you use more in order to keep chasing the good hair dragon. Of course, there are exceptions for every rule. but that’s another post for another day…

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One Comment

  1. This article offers some really helpful tips for keeping fine hair from getting greasy. It’s a struggle for those with finer hair, and these suggestions seem practical and easy to follow. Thanks for sharing!

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