Earning Income During Hard Economic Times
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Earning and Income as a Blogger… Even During a Pandemic

.Earning Income During Hard Economic Times


Sometimes my posts are a think piece, other times it’s a fluffy review on an eyeshadow palette. Occasionally it’s to bring to light serious issues that need attention, like escaping an emotionally abusive relationship or spot a gaslighter.

Of course, no one is holding a gun to your head to read my content, but Google Analytics tells there’s a constant growing wonderful audience that does. And I am humbled and grateful, always.

But we’re in some unprecedented hard economic times folks.

I’ll speak for myself and other small businesses, content creators, independents and freelancers when I say that many of us have had no idea when we will next get paid for the last year.

Many of us are still trying to hunt down payment for projects we delivered last Spring.

The trickle-down effect when in this industry is much bigger than I’d reckon many realize. But there are some easy and free ways you, sweet reader, can help.

How to make money as a blogger during the covid 19 pandemic
I know what you’re thinking: I don’t want to be sold to!

… I get it. Trust me I get it.

I think there is often a misconception that content creators and influencers are just always trying to sell you something to earn a commission. Commission based affiliate programs are a huge earner for big influencers, but for many of us smaller creators, it’s peanuts.

Of course, when I link to products I love, that I take the time to photograph, to demo, to swatch and review, I try and use an affiliate link.

Affiliate links cost you nothing to use but earns me a very small percentage of the sale. In my opinion, in offering you all the content I do and connecting you with brands and products I love and stand behind, I’ve earned the right to earn a little something. 


On Girl Loves Gloss, affiliate links, sponsorships and ads are always disclosed in each post, and I thank you now and in advance if you’ve ever used a link I’ve provided to purchase something. 


Earning Income During Hard Economic Times


The way most bloggers earn an income is collecting pennies at a time. Unless it’s a one-time flat fee or ongoing sponsorship, often the ways you can earn money by blogging, on Instagram or Youtube pays very little but can pay frequently. 

We’re in what likely we go down as a huge economic downturn. Where the days of sponsored blog posts, YouTube videos and Instagram posts might be in the past; Brands and networks are holding back launches and campaigns. We have never been through something like this in recent times.

For influencers and creators who relied on sponsorships and ambassador programs, this will likely be a huge financial hit. 



One method of revenue that bloggers and YouTubers especially rely on, can be 3rd party advertising.

Either through networks like Google Adsense, Mediavine etc or Amazon, for example, ads are placed on blogs and YouTube videos. Those generate a small amount each time, and sometimes for how long they are viewed.

This means, YOU, yes you – the reader, the watcher, the enjoyer of free content, can help us earn a little money just by being here. 

Pretty amazing right?


Earning Income During Hard Economic Times


Every time you read my blog, whether you’re scrolling on desktop, tablet or mobile, you might see advertisements. If you don’t see ads, you’ve turned on an ad blocker. This is where I respectfully request you turn that off.

Because for how often and how long those ads get seen, the creator earns a small amount. Over time, that amount can grow, and the amount we earn can change. During these economic downfalls, the amount is even lower, but it’s income nonetheless. 


How to make money blogging during the covid 19 pandemic



Please keep reading your favourite blogs.

Perhaps take a little extra time on the blogs you frequent. Pin a couple of posts to your Pinterest account each day; It’s a freeway you can help generate some traffic for us.

Furthermore, if you do see sponsored campaigns on blogs, Instagram or Youtube for the content creators that you trust and respect, please engage on their comment. Take an extra minute to leave a comment. Like the post. Share it on your stories, Twitter or Pinterest. 

When you engage on our content, the brands notice. They see that coveted return of interest they look for and are more likely to support more small influencers in paid work in the future.


“Imagine being able to help support someone without spending a penny?”


Would I love you to purchase something I recommend? Sure! I’m always honest about my thoughts on products and when I think they are worth your hard-earned money.

So I am asking of you all to support your small influencers, content creators and those who entertain you for free. The simplest way: By just being here.


[click_to_tweet tweet=”Perhaps take a little extra time (hey, lots seem to have extra time these days!) on the blogs you frequent >> Here’s why:” quote=”Perhaps take a little extra time (hey, lots seem to have extra time these days!) on the blogs you frequent >> Here’s why:”]


The next several months/year(s) of our lives will be greatly affected by this Covid-19/Corona Virus Pandemic, even with a vaccine in our grasp. I vow to keep bringing you all the content I love to create as a small break from this madness and plan on sharing more of MY favourite creators in the future.



How to Make Money Blogging



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