5 products i dont buy anymore
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Can’t Afford it, But Totally Worth It

5 products i dont buy anymore
as a beauty writer, i get the opportunity products in all prices ranges.

Over the 8-ish years I’ve been writing Girl Loves Gloss, I’ve tested and reviewed makeup, skincare and lifestyle items ranging in price from $2-$1000+.

I’ve been sent plenty, and I’ve purchased plenty of products and I’ve reviewed them all with the same critiques and criticisms that I hope translates to an honest and authentic review you all can trust.

Something I consider a lot though, is the question, “Would I repurchase this?” and perhaps a better question I should be asking myself is, “Could I repurchase this?”.


You see, I have fallen in love with many an “expensive” beauty product in my time. And I quote “expensive” because that is a relative term to who’s spending the money. Expensive to one is a bargain to another, so I generally don’t focus a ton on cost (unless it is to use as a comparison tool against a dupe or similar product).


But what about those products that I love, and would like to repurchase, but won’t because of the cost?

Can't Afford it, But Totally Worth It

Let's get real here: life changes needs change and sometimes your budget changes! Products I perhaps would have spend money on a few years ago are still amazing products, but I won't be repurchasing because they're not obtainable, for me, anymore.

Here's 5 products I really LOVE, but just can't justify.

As an Amazon Associate and member of other affiliate programs, I earn from qualifying purchases.
what product do you love, but just can’t budget for anymore?




5 Products I cant Afford to Buy Anymore

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