Everly 9 Months Old

9 Month Postpartum Update | Things I’ve Said Now That I’m a Parent

Everly 9 Months Old[dropcap]F[/dropcap]riends, time truly can be a cruel mistress. This time last year I was dying in the heat, in full waddle and officially well into maternity pants. It’s hard to fathom that Everly has been keeping us on our toes for 9 months already. It’s even crazier to see how much she’s changed in that time. We now are blessed with a bubbly, giggly, expressive little girl and really can’t imagine what our lives we like before. We’ve hit some big milestones since my last postpartum update, and we’ve said some hilarious things as new parents.

Everly at 9 Months Old

Everly 9 Months Old
Everly 9 Months Old
Everly 9 Months Old

“I think we lost a (bottle) nipple to the garburator”


Sometime around the 5.5 month mark I managed to get Everly sleep trained and napping regularly and life became a lot clearer. Having a regularly sleeping baby is like having a fog lifted; Consistency is an amazing thing! She now sleeps from 7pm-7am with the occasional cry, which I’ve been told she’s right at the age for night terrors (poor thing!). She naps twice a day and we follow the 2-3-4 method which has worked exceptionally well for us (Everly was never a baby that liked 3 naps a day).

“Was that barf or spit up?”


At about a week into 7 months, she finally managed to crawl and actually get somewhere, so that’s added a whole new level of paranoia into my life. She pulls herself up to standing on anything she possibly can, so I have a feeling we will have a furniture walker in no time. She also loves spending time in her exersaucer; I have deep-rooted love the person who invented this glorious contraption! Yes I realize parents call it the ‘Circle of Neglect’ but I implore you to tell me how else you manage to shower without some sort of baby jail…


“Has she poo’ed yet?”


Everly has finally cut some teeth! We had bouts of ‘this has to be a sign of teething’ but nothing had sprouted until about 2 weeks ago. I can now see and feel 3 coming in all at once. Poor babe. We’ve been rotating infant Tylenol and Advil which certainly seems to help, as well as frozen teething rings.

She is still a huge fan of the Tommee Tippee pacifiers, which are orthodontically created and she’s also eating like she has a holo leg! Favourites include Gerber Puffs, Love Child Apple Strawberry Rhubarb and aged white cheddar (this kid loves cheese like her Mum!)


“We’ll just put those foam floor tiles everywhere”


One of the best things about Everly at this age is her personality. Apparently, we’ve raised quite a little ham who loves to laugh and very much feeds off other people. She finds it hilarious when she has to sneeze, still lights up when Pink Fong comes on, and is incredibly impressed with herself when she stands up in her crib. Seeing her character grow and charisma develop is arguably the best thing about being her mom right now. She still isn’t a cuddly baby, and well and truly never stops moving until she falls asleep, but seeing her develop is amazing as a new mother!


Oh, and to answer any questions raised by this post:

  • YES, we did lose the nipple to the garburator. I found it 2 (!?!) weeks later and while it didn’t have a nick in it, it smelled like last weeks Thai curry. In the bin!
  • Somedays barf, some days spit up. Always when you’ve put a new shirt on.
  • The great poo question! Prepare yourself if you plan on being a parent to talk about poo more than you ever could imagine.
  • Our living room floor is officially foam tiled. Believe it or not, its great if you have lower back pain and makes getting down at baby level on your knees no so crippling. I am debating putting them in my kitchen under my floor mat to act as a relief mat!



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