Girl Loves Gloss is Having a Baby
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Wherein Girl Loves…Girl?

20 Week Pregnancy Bump

Well, how’s that for a clickbait title if I ever heard one?

After seeing the pictures in this post you might have already guessed that I am in fact expecting! Some may have caught on by my number of posts (or lack thereof!) in the last few months. Turns out morning sickness + staring at a computer screen really didn’t agree with me. I won’t complain, I know many women get it so much worse but regardless, it wasn’t a walk in the park!

Girl Loves Gloss is Having a Baby

This is something I’ve wanted to scream from the rooftops since early days but patiently waited until we felt good and ready. Given that this is a rainbow baby for us, I can’t explain how exciting, scary and happiness-inducing this all is for me. I dreamed of the day when I would finally get to make such an announcement and am so thrilled to say that our baby GIRL is due to make her arrival mid-November!

I realise Girl Loves Gloss is predominantly a beauty blog. I have, however, always felt strongly about sharing life lessons and struggles with you all. I would love to factor my pregnancy and subsequent journey into mummyness with you all occasionally as part of the ‘lifestyle’ portion of this blog. Please let me know if this is something that would interest you on occasion (ie Pregnancy-related beauty products, the odd life update etc).

In the meantime, I have just gone 20 weeks. I’m feeling pretty decent for a girl who can no longer fit in regular jeans! Besides having the odd headache, forever heartburn and constant watermelon cravings things are going just swimmingly. If you’ve been pregnant before and have any funny craving stories leave them down in the comments below!




Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil* – for the bump to keep things elastic and hopefully stretch mark free!

Origins Drink Up Intensive Overnight Mask – a long time favourite that has been sorting out my dry hormonal skin.

Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask – keeps my lips smooth all night long and is still around in the morning!

 *PR Samples, Affliate links

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  1. Love Love LOVE this post!!!! Huge congratulations and sorry about your previous loss!!! I wish you nothing but the best and would love to see more mommy posts!!! Xo

  2. Aww congratulations Jamie, that’s wonderful news! Pregnancy cravings for me meant that I basically cried anytime I got hungry or if something was wrong with my food. Once I was so excited about getting McDonald’s pancakes for breakfast but they forgot my syrup – instant tears! xx

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